The festival of Shavuot (Firstfruits Offering) is 6/2/2006 this year. My question is two part. First, Is the tithe and the firstfruits the same. Now I don't believe it's so. Need understanding. Now part two. Being that I'm not a farmer and have fruit trees. Could I bring my payroll check to represent my firstfruit. This is my income. Need understanding

can one do a shabbos bris when the baby came via an induced or partially induced labour?

I emailed yesterday about my father's Yahrtzeit. Thank you for the explanation. I will follow the guidelines as best as possible. I am unclear on what the actual date is of the Yahrtzeit. Is it Hebrew or English date and is just 1 year exactly to the day. Would you please indicate the actual day. He was buried on April 19, 2005 (I don't know the Hebrew date). Which Mishnayos should I learn on the day? How long of a fast (24 hour or early morning onward)? Should I make a siyum? I am a baal teshuva and I learn best in English, and the shuls I attend are pretty frum so I would feel uncomfortable making a siyum in English, and I don't know what I can finish by then. Thank you again. Jay

Why are there not more Kabbalistic sects in modern times?

Hello there. My name is Hans Anderberg and I seek some aid in refuting some arguments surrounding Talmud issues against a white nationalist anti-semite on Stormfront known as "The Revisionist". I tend to visit that forum in an adament fashion to engage racism and irrational mythbuilding to debate upon occasion. I recieved some aid from Michael Gruda and Michael Winner though they are too busy to offer much assistance any further. I also used certain quotes from Rabbi Gil Student's website of which this excerpt below is a continued discourse on. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer in giving refutations on his arguments. If you feel you do not have the time nor the interest I understand. The discussin is listed below with my quotes and the anti-semitic promoter's reply is "The Revisionist". Quote: ...a court that kills one person in 70 years... The Revisionist: Ha! So goes the propaganda. On the other hand, oddly enough, we have the Noahide laws repeatedly calling for the death penalty. So, for what purpose were so many such laws enacted if they have no force of action? What kind of deterrent is that to "bad" behavior? And what difference does it make if the Rabbis were always goading someone else into doing their bloody dirty work? Quote: Last time I checked, non-Jews are NOT classified as "idolaters." The Revisionist: And where exactly did you check? Quote: Of course, those who bow down to idols ARE, for obvious reasons. There is however, a debate amongst certain Jewish leaders from the Middle Ages whether Catholicism is considered idolatry due to the belief in the Trinity. In fact, Maimonides believes that Christianity is NOT. The Revisionist: Well, you're simply wrong. In 1962, a part of the Maimonidean Code which contains the basic rules of the Jewish faith was published in English and Hebrew. The Hebrew text commands Jews to exterminate infidels. It says: "It is a duty (mishnah) to exterminate them with one's own hands." The Code then goes on to identify the "infidels" who are to exterminated: "Such as Jesus of Nazareth and his pupils, and Tzadoq and Baitos [the founders of the Sadducee sect] and their pupils. May the name of the wicked rot." But, in considering "idolatry," one may suggest that a Gentile who consents to the worship of Jews by accepting the “Guilt Trip” is also guilty of a certain form of idolatry – the idol being, of course, the Jewish people. So, in that sense, the Rabbis have been shown to be somewhat accurate in their description of the majority of non-Jews today, although it is the worship of the Jewish people that is the point of Judaism. Quote: Who are these "Canaanites"??? Heh, well, that's simple. They are from Noah’s grandchild, Canaan. Any simple reading of the Bible will tell you that. In no way are they connected to the Palestinians or Muslims, since they come from Ishmael, Avraham’s son. This is actually the first time I have heard anybody mix the two up. The Revisionist: That's surprising, because I did not invent the practice. What a shame it is that we are not dealing here with a simple reading of the Bible, Hans, but rather the application of ancient terminology to the Jews' enemies du jour. Many rabbis, such as the former chief rabbi of "Israel" Ovadia Yossef, have made these and similar allusions from time to time publicly. If the chief rabbi of "Israel" holds no authority in these matters, what business does he have occupying the office or even speaking on the matter? Quote: Furthermore, there are a great many religious Jews who are anti-Zionists. The Revisionist: This is owed ONLY to an obscure Talmud passage where the Rabbis insist that an independent state in the Land of Israel cannot be established