how powerful is prayer with fertility problems at any age,idaven and read tehilim each day,please do not publish my private anguish, and yes, i saw a specialist, but Hashem is the one in control, we can only be here to do His work

I have a friend who is a Jehovah Witness, and we were discussing the name of God, and she said it was Jehovah, and when I said that we don't and can't really know His name, she said to look at Psalm 83, verse 18, so I did, and yes, it says there :"....whose name alone is JEHOVAH.....". I found this in the King James version. What can I say to my friend.

whats the torahs point of view on tampons? on pads? does the torah perfer one more than the other?

Why are jewish males circumcised? What is the biblical significance of such a characteristic?