Dear Rabbi/s, Do you have any info on the mystical prayer for the month of Nissan, where for thirteen days we are to recite the prayers re the offerings brought by the Nassi of each tribe, see p. 391 of Tehillat HaShem, the new Chabad Siddur, e.g. ".... gather and take in those sacred "birds" to the holy place ...." I need the explanation of "birds," the sacred place, as well as the second paragraph of the prayer. Gratefully yours, Shemaia

i am not married yet but i am going to be soon hopefully i am wondering what are the laws a woman needs to know fo rwhen they go to the mikvah? like what do u have to do? etc

I am giving a passover sedar to my family members. None of them are practicing jews. I am studying the torah and want to say something inspirational beyond the usualy sedar. Something that will make a non practicing jew feel that they are part of the experience. Do you have any ideas?

what name do I need to add to my safelist?