could you please explain your take on the "Slifkin Affair" including whether u believe its possible that Chazal may have erred and (albeit briefly) the age of the universe?

When I had surgery on my shoulder, I was put under anesthesia. I remeber the nurse telling me to close my eyes, and then I remember when I awoke. In between, four two hours, I had dissapperaed. I was gone. And it wasnt' an altered state of conciuosness like sleeping and dreaming, it was 100% not here, not aware. completely gone. If I had never woken up from that deep, dark sleep, I would have died and never realized it. Like the way a person dies from a lethal injection. This experience to me is no personal evidence of the existence of an afterlife. I have read many Torah sources that discuss an afterlife, and can understand an afterlife on an intellectual level. But the one time I was close to death, my neshama was no where to be found. Where was my soul? Where was I?

To my question:"Is it Jewish Law(Halakha) to not worry about money", I've been given vagaries such as "We should be happy with our lot/God provides". One Rabbi told me the answer is Proverbs 10:22. That's all well and good from a mussar point of view, but I'm looking for an apodictic answer such as "See Orach Hayyim/Yore Deah/Mishne Torah/Mishna Brurah/Shulchan Arukh sec. 56:765 ", etc. I'm the kind of guy that needs to be told that the halakha says in Shulchan Arukh 54:56 : " The Halakha is:Dont worry about money. " , with detailed references following this apodictic answer. I'm an am haaretz. Soloveithick said , I think ,in his book "Halakhic Man" that there is an exact(discreet quanta) Jewish Law for every thing in Judaism. Apparently not. No one can give me the exact law apodictically. Instead they say "See Prov.10:22, or "Be happy with our lot"' /"Trust God". These are not laws. It would be like inferring not to covet from the above. There is a law:"Dont covet". The rest is mussar. I'm the kind of guy that unless I see: "The Halakha is :Don't worry about money"(S.A./M.T. 56:98,etc.) will continue worrying about money. Please put me out of my misery. Thank You.

what are the laws concerning egg donor, must you make sure the egg is from a jewish mother before you, who are jewih carry it?please do not publish, this is private