I am searching for a shul where I would be comfortable as a member. I was born a Jew but not at all educated in Torah practices. I have taken a crash reading course in Hebrew and can read prayers but phonetically, without understanding (unless a transliteration is present). My question is: what, generally, are the differences among Orthodox, Modern Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed, etc. congregations?

The festival of Shavuot (Firstfruits Offering) is 6/2/2006 this year. My question is two part. First, Is the tithe and the firstfruits the same. Now I don't believe it's so. Need understanding. Now part two. Being that I'm not a farmer and have fruit trees. Could I bring my payroll check to represent my firstfruit. This is my income. Need understanding

Hello,my name is Channa and iw as wondering if you could give me any information about the first bais hamikdash? i am doing the subject for school and cannot find any information about it,my mother said that i shoul ask you.Thank you very much Channa

In an earlier question a friend, who is a Jehova Witness, had asked what is God's name, and had cited Psalm 83, verse 18, that says the name is Jehovah. I gave her your response that we do not say the name as a sign of great respect, for fear of over-using it. Now she asks: "Where does it say in the Torah God's name is not to be pronouncd? In Psalm 83:18 it says that men should "know" His name, that Jews also knew and "used" God's name. Also, in regard to God having sevent names, what are they? I do know jehovah has many titels, but where in the Torah does it say He has many names?

My father died approximately 11 PM Saturday night April 16, 2005 Motzei Shabbos - He was buried on Tuesday April 19, 2005 - I stopped saying Kaddish Thursday March 9, 2006 (9th of Adar) after Mincha (which was my last Kaddish) - When is the Yahrzeit and what should I do for it ? Also, since I have stopped saying Kaddish I have also stopped leading the davening. Does leading davening have the same prohibition in the 11th month as Kaddish and can I lead davening in my father's zechus in the future on a regular basis (barring noone else has a chiyuv) or should I avoid it ?