I was asked some time ago, if a Jewish married woman covers her hair in the interest of modesty and to indicate she is meant only for her husband, why do many of the the wigs (i.e. sheitelach) worn by some Orthodox women more attractive than their real hair? In other words. doesn't it defeat the purpose? If you post this please do so anonymously. Thank you jg

My sister-in-law was watching a cooking program from Canada when it was said that a Rabbi had to oversee all kitchen food preparation for a wedding. I work in the wine industry and know that a Rabbi must oversee the production of Kosher wine but for a wedding. Some of the preparation could take days. Is this true?

Does the OT conception of God one that portrays him as omnipotent or merely good? And is this how we (the Jews) solve the problem of evil?

Hello: please tell me about the 40 dyas of Omar. Also how it relates to Jewish marriage law. Lastly, the dates of this period in both 2006 and 2007. thank you very much.

I am a Kohain and have been involved in a serious relationship for some time now with a jewish girl. i recently found out that her mother converted orthodox before she got married and had children which does make her children jewish but did raise a bit of concern. From what i have found out it would still be ok to marry the daughter/my girlfriend. the problem comes in here, when i was researching this issue i came across something else that says a kohain may not marry someone who has been involved in a sexual relationship with a non jew. my girlfriends ex boyfriend is not jewish (by my standards) his mother converted reform and so did he (the father was born jewish), where does this leave me? i understand in some circumstances it is permisable to marry someone who has had relations like this and that each case is looked at individually. the biggest problem i have is that we are far into the relationship and have spoken about marriage several times and to break something like this off will not be an easy task? My girlfriend was brought up 100% jewish, she only found out +/- 3 years ago about her mothers past when her sister got married, she was also under the impression that her ex boyfriend was considered jewish?