In an earlier question a friend, who is a Jehova Witness, had asked what is God's name, and had cited Psalm 83, verse 18, that says the name is Jehovah. I gave her your response that we do not say the name as a sign of great respect, for fear of over-using it. Now she asks: "Where does it say in the Torah God's name is not to be pronouncd? In Psalm 83:18 it says that men should "know" His name, that Jews also knew and "used" God's name. Also, in regard to God having sevent names, what are they? I do know jehovah has many titels, but where in the Torah does it say He has many names?

My father died approximately 11 PM Saturday night April 16, 2005 Motzei Shabbos - He was buried on Tuesday April 19, 2005 - I stopped saying Kaddish Thursday March 9, 2006 (9th of Adar) after Mincha (which was my last Kaddish) - When is the Yahrzeit and what should I do for it ? Also, since I have stopped saying Kaddish I have also stopped leading the davening. Does leading davening have the same prohibition in the 11th month as Kaddish and can I lead davening in my father's zechus in the future on a regular basis (barring noone else has a chiyuv) or should I avoid it ?

is it against the torah to have sex without a purpose? i mean like without wanted to have a child? like for fun? also is a jewish woman allowed o use birth control?

Hi again, i was wondering are you allowed to play sports on shabbos like basketball, kickball, baseball?