hi, i was wondering my mom puts up hot water in a like a hot water pot thing for tea and are you allowed to use that water after shabbos is over?

Our Rabbi would like all members of our conservative congregation to wear head coverings. I didn't grow up this way and my daughter's don't seem to enjoy it either. Additionally, our daughter is to have a tallit for her Bat-Mitzvah, another item I don't feel confortable with. What is the history or philosophy on these items in regard to females? Thank you.

Why is purple a mystical color?

What makes a kosher pickle kosher? How are they different from unkosher pickles?

I would like to thank you for your insightful answers that I have questioned. You see, I married at 34 and was blessed with 3 terrific boys, one son however was a still birth and i have never gotten over if, through it, but never over. the tikun story helped alot, however, i ache for another child and I have ben praying with kavanah for a while,although i am older, I have faith, thank you for your guidance. I have big problem with regretting the past, ie, I should have moved here sooner, had more children, etc, etc, howver, reading Tehillim in both languages shows me that Hashem is in control, so this is the way it would have turned out anyway instead of beating myself up till i am black and blue. By the way, I went to Yeshiva as do my sons now, my husband was robbed of his religion and tradition, so even though he did not even attend talmud torah, which is minimal in my views, he did agree to bring up our boys in the Young Israel tradition which is what I wanted, so Ii saved 3 souls and my 4th angels soul is in heaven