Dear Rabbi In what years on the Jewish calendar would be the reign of Herod the Great. Thank you Al Puglisi

who wrote the talmud? what are its origins? content? and what is its uses by the believer within the tradition- both indiviually and the community??

Yashar Koach to the Rabbi for all his words of advice and encouragement. It means a lot to me. The reason I prefer asking questions like this is because you get to the point. No fluff or 16 different versions of opinions or variations. I need less choices and just the straight and narrow from a source that I trust is authentic (This at least applies to the questions I have asked so far). I had a Rav in Israel when I was there for a few years (it took a while to find him)but we are just not a part of each others' lives as much now, and unfortunately, believe it or not, it is very hard to find a Rav in the community I live in (I am not the only one who has says this). Either they are too frum and uptight, or they are desired by so many that I can't get any time with them. Sof sof, thank you for being there.