Praising God for the Exodus
When we tell over the events of the Exodus on the night(s) of the Seder, we thank and praise G-d for saving us from slavery. When thinking about the chronicle of events, was it not G-d that originally brought us down to Egypt in the first place (during the time of Jacob & Joseph)? The question can be asked in a number of ways: If it was G-d that originally brought us down to Egypt & placed us into slavery as promised to Abraham, why we are we obligated to thank & praise him? OK, G-d did redeem His people and therefore we are obligated to thank & praise Him, but why is all the "blame" heaped on Pharaoh & the Egyptians - this was foretold to the Patriarchs by G-d Himself, so doesn't he bear some of the responsibility for what transpired to the Jews during their time in Egypt ?