what mitzvot and customs (e.g. kiddush) are noted to be 'zaycher l'yitziat mitzrayim' - a commemoration of the exodus from egypt?

The case =A Jewish man from our Shul marries a non-Jewish woman, and she converts to Judaism. She has a four year old son (also a non-Jew) - by a former relationship. She converts to Judaism for herself and "for her 4 year old son too". The boy is now twelve years old. He wants to have a Bar Mitzvah next year and be called to the Torah like his cousins (and have a big party and get "lots of presents too, just like his cousins".) What is the Halacha? Can he "legally" be Bar Mitzvahed and be called to the Torah for an Aliyah?

Maybe like the two boys in the old testament. I believe in many ways I have stolen my brother's birthright. My older brother. He I hold as having less fear of living than do I. I have actually taken things of his without saying. I would like to make amends. Some people take what they ant in life and others act jealous of those that tkae what they want in life. I am looking to forget my jealousies. Some jealousies are "normal" and one grows out of them. Is the answer to just take what you want in life?

Dear Rabbi, In the passuk " You shall not go about gossiping among your people, you shall not stand over the blood of your friend- I am Hashem." ìà úìê øëéì áòîéê/ ìà úòîåã òì ãí øòê/ àðé ä': Could you please answer as many questions as you can about this pasuk for me? ::::: a. Would you endanger yourself to save the life of another man? b. Why does it say “I am Hashem.” In the end of the verse? c. Why is it stated not to gossip and not to betray those of need in the same verse?(focus on this one please) d. What if you cannot do anything to help someone who is dying? e. Why does it say "do not stand" instead of "do not talk"? g. What sorts of things would one do to help someone in need? h. In what sorts of situations would you help a person that you find is dying? i. To what level can you help? j. To what level should you help? k. What counts as gossip? l. What if the person in need insists on receiving no help? m. Are you punished or considered a bad Jew if you consider not to be involved in a situation where you have to help a dying person? n. It says help a friend that is on the verge of dying, are you obligated to help a stranger or an enemy? o. If your greatest enemy is in danger, is it appropriate to leave him to die? thanks a lot, i appreciate your kindness and help