Dear Rabbi, My name is Cerian and i come from Wales. I am currently styding A level Judaism!! We were discussing your day of rest, Shabbat, and were wondering what would happen if you were put in certain situations, for example, if you won the lottery and it happend on shabbat, and the shop is miles away and you have to claim it on that night would you use the transport?? IS THIS RELIGION OVER MONEY?? Hope I here from you soon as it is a very important part of my course!! Thank You Cerian xx

When purchasing products for Pesach from stores that sell Chametzdik items, how careful should one be about wiping off the Pesach items before putting them on your Pesach countertops, etc.? Example: I bought some bottled water from a regular supermarket. They were put into a shopping cart, then on the usually-slightly-dirty belt, then put into bags. Should one wipe them down with a dry paper towel before them entering the Pesach kitchen? Spray them with a cleaner? What about K-P unopened wine that you own that's been out all year in your dining room. Can you just wipe it with a dry paper towel and put it on the seder table? My FFB chavrusah says "of course', so I don't know if I am just being B.T. by worrying about it. Thanks! [Agudah member too embarassed to ask his posek]

what mitzvot and customs (e.g. kiddush) are noted to be 'zaycher l'yitziat mitzrayim' - a commemoration of the exodus from egypt?

The case =A Jewish man from our Shul marries a non-Jewish woman, and she converts to Judaism. She has a four year old son (also a non-Jew) - by a former relationship. She converts to Judaism for herself and "for her 4 year old son too". The boy is now twelve years old. He wants to have a Bar Mitzvah next year and be called to the Torah like his cousins (and have a big party and get "lots of presents too, just like his cousins".) What is the Halacha? Can he "legally" be Bar Mitzvahed and be called to the Torah for an Aliyah?

Maybe like the two boys in the old testament. I believe in many ways I have stolen my brother's birthright. My older brother. He I hold as having less fear of living than do I. I have actually taken things of his without saying. I would like to make amends. Some people take what they ant in life and others act jealous of those that tkae what they want in life. I am looking to forget my jealousies. Some jealousies are "normal" and one grows out of them. Is the answer to just take what you want in life?