I want mp3 player. What will advise?

Dear Rabbi, My name is Cerian and i come from Wales. I am currently styding A level Judaism!! We were discussing your day of rest, Shabbat, and were wondering what would happen if you were put in certain situations, for example, if there was a fire at your neighbour's (Who are not Jewish) and they weren’t at home and if it was not a life threatening situation what would you do? would you use the phone?? Hope I here from you soon as it is a very important part of my course!! Thank You Cerian xx

Dear Rabbi, My name is Cerian and i come from Wales. I am currently styding A level Judaism!! We were discussing your day of rest, Shabbat, and were wondering what would happen if you were put in certain situations, for example, if you won the lottery and it happend on shabbat, and the shop is miles away and you have to claim it on that night would you use the transport?? IS THIS RELIGION OVER MONEY?? Hope I here from you soon as it is a very important part of my course!! Thank You Cerian xx

When purchasing products for Pesach from stores that sell Chametzdik items, how careful should one be about wiping off the Pesach items before putting them on your Pesach countertops, etc.? Example: I bought some bottled water from a regular supermarket. They were put into a shopping cart, then on the usually-slightly-dirty belt, then put into bags. Should one wipe them down with a dry paper towel before them entering the Pesach kitchen? Spray them with a cleaner? What about K-P unopened wine that you own that's been out all year in your dining room. Can you just wipe it with a dry paper towel and put it on the seder table? My FFB chavrusah says "of course', so I don't know if I am just being B.T. by worrying about it. Thanks! [Agudah member too embarassed to ask his posek]

Shalom, I do have a question pertaining to 1 Chronicles 24:1-19, > particularly verses 7-18. > > The courses or divisions of the sons of Eleazar and Ithamar are > divided into 24 units. 16 for Eleazar and 8 for Ithamar. > > So my questions is this, is the course of Jehoiarib the lineage of > Eleazar, and then very next course of Jedaiah, from Ithamar? > > Would that make the eighth course of Abijah in verses 10 also be from > the lineage of Ithamar? > > I'm asking these questions because when I read this chapter it appears > that in all the 24 divisions of the Eleazar and Ithamar lineages, the > first is taken from Eleazar, then the second from Ithamar, and so on > back and forth, is this correct? > > I look forward to your response, thank you. > > Sincerely, > RJ Toviah