when Solomon built the Temple. were there not door(s) into each courtyard and a doorway into the Holy of Holies? Do these 'door's' have a given name, and if they do, what would the meanings of each be? can you help me with this unusal request. Todah Rabah, Shayna

Can a person who can not immerse for medical reasons (a semi permanent port for Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) that can NOT be removed for any reason) nor consume any solids undergo conversion? It's my understanding that a person has to be able to follow the laws, but the eating of matzo for seder as well as the mikveh would be problematic for this person. The person in question has no small intestine, so anything consumed has to be a clear liquid that is drained into a drainage device immediately. I am sure if she converted Reform, it wouldn't be an issue, but I'm not sure which movement she will decide she wants to go with. She also doesn't want to ask a rabbi if this is one of those 'No way on Earth' situations. Thanks.

These are pretty general questions: What are the challenges, if any, to practicing Judaism? What are your religious leaders called? How has your religion changed over the years? What are the differences between men and women in Judaism? What is the most common misperception of Judaism? What rituals are practiced? Are there different forms of your religion? If so what? What is the main principle of your religion? How has religion shaped your life?

how could the torah possibly be against gay and lesbibanns? its not like they can control their feelings!! is it wrong of me to feel this way and sort of go against the torah?

Dear Rabbi In what years on the Jewish calendar would be the reign of Herod the Great. Thank you Al Puglisi