During Shabbat, if the mother were to drop the meal on the floor, how would she prepare another ? And would she be allowed to clean the mess up considering the plate was made of glass.

Hi, Thank you for taking the time to respond. I have a formica countertop, and I have read various statements on whether or not it can be kashered for pesach. it is very new with no scratches or grooves, but it has been used with chametz. I would very much like to know if there is a way to kasher it for passover so that we are not forced to cover it completely. Thank you for your time, and chag pesach sameach

If a person is so inclined to tithe to the levitical priesthood, is there still such a group that has no inheritance in the land and are eligible to receive tithe's. Then they in turn would tithe to the kohenim. thanks.

Why do we read so many times in the Torah that the sins of the fathers will be visited upon their children? It seems unjust when often the sinner's children are little and innocent, or perhaps yet unborn. Thank you for considering this question.

I understand there is a legend or tradition that the Ark of the Covenant will be rediscovered. Please relate the story, and the significance of such an event. Also, is there anything in Judaism regarding a New or Heavenly Jerusalem? Thank you.