Dear Rabbi, I am a Catholic priest. We are beginning our celebration of Holy week, and I would love to know more about your Passover traditions. For example, what is the meaning of the use of unleavened bread? How is wine part of the meal, and what is its significance? Is there a difference between the feast of unleavened bread and passover? And does the Passover last many days? Thank you so much. We wish you blessings throughout your celebrations. Sincerely, Father John Loughnane

Why is it that even though Palm Desert is less to 2 hours drive from Los Angeles, our candle lighin times differ as much as half an hour +/- ?? A few minutes, I can understand but we are only some 125 miles apart! This a really a problem since every calendar that I refer to only lists Los Angeles and San Diego and I need to always refer to a computerized time for the Coachella Valley Desert. Thank you in advance.

I understand there is an order to cutting fingernails? What is this order and does this order stand for toenails as well?