is a jewish woman allowed to have an abortion? why does a married woman have to cover her hair? what is so special about hair? why do men go to the mikvah? why do many go at the same time... unlike women who go one at a time?

Is one permitted to have a non-Jew attend a seder? A Shabbat or yomtov meal? A brit? If the answer to any of the above is no, I would appreciate a full explanation so I can convey to my Gentile colleague why it isn't possible.

I am a 32 year old living in South Texas, I grew up in a very strict, fanatical christian family. At one time, I was also very charismatic and had plans to become a Pentacostal minister like other members of my family. I won 3 state bible championships and went to nationals. Then I enrolled in bible school. Suddenly I began to question the church and could not come to terms with some of it's beliefs. To hide my new found ideology, I moved to San Antonio. I recently moved back home when my father died, and now I find myself once again in the midst of unbearable fundamentalism and intolerance. However, I cannot share with my family my disapproval of thier doctrine, for fear of expulsion. My question are, other than gathering the dispersed of Israel, and rebuilding the temple, what are some of the other characteristics and prophecies required of the Moshiach that Yeshua did not fulfill. And, though I was not born Yehudim, I would like to know more about your faith and perhaps even convert. I have started learning hebrew and began the Daf Yomi. Please respond and pray for me. Shalom!

is moses sole fish kosher from Israel

at the passover sader do all men have there one sader plate and when a jew starts off life like a lubavitcher dose he have to follow even when he is with his inlaws how are not relijous