I am looking into Jewish baby names. I always wondered about the names Noah and Emmet. I know Noah is from the Torah but is it considered a Jewish name by today's standards? I know that people of different religions are named that. And I know that Emmet means truth but I've rarely heard of a Jewish person/man with that name. Is it considered Jewish? Another name I was wondering about is Mina (for a girl). A relative of mine was called that and I am interested in this name, but would it be considered a Jewish name?

Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I am not sure where to begin. My husband and I are gentiles. For about seven years my husband and I went to a baptist church. We were leaders, but over time had many questions. Our questions were brushed to the side, and we were given a copy of our church doctrine to abide by. We did not agree with some of these statements, and eventually left the church looking for answers. We ended up at a messianic congregation, which intrigued us, but only created more questions, such as how can Jesus be the messiah, if he didn't fulfill all the can Jesus be G-d if G-d is one and has no form...and down the rabbit hole we went. Then we read a book called "The Righteous Gentile" and another called "The Rainbow Covenant" and "The Way of G-d"..... the list goes on and on. For a while we were happy being noahides...if we are even keeping all those laws correctly. So my real question has come up during a time of preparing to move. Our neighborhood has a high crime rate and is not fit to raise children in. Why when I think of a new location am I looking up synagogues in the area. Why, when I went to the museum the other day, (with 15 friends) did I have the urge to go and bombard an orthodox family with questions? Why do I feel as though I would fit better in the Jewish community than with my family and friends? Why do I light candles every Shabbat, even though I am not commanded to do so? Why do I say morning blessings with my children? Why am I interested in Isreali news? Why do I arrange my work schedule to have Jewish holidays off? I have only scraped the surfice of Judiasm, but I feel the need to learn more. Why do I know the Rebbe's birthday, or have the urge to visit his grave. Why am I looking for kosher marshmallows for my children, or feeling guilty when I eat dairy with meat? If anyone can give me some direction, practical advice, or answers to whether these thoughts/behaviors are normal, I would be most grateful. Thank you, Clare Axton

How do I find out if my great grandmother was Jewish? Where is a rabbi in my area-zip 98498?

Because of living circumstances I did not receive Jewish training when I was young . My Father and Mother are Jewish, buried in a Jewish Cemetery. I intermarried and have 2 daughters from that marriage. I am now learning my Jewish roots and find learning to be a Jew is the greatest experience of my life. My question is about my daughters, are they considered Jewish even thought the mother is not Jewish. One of my daughters is adopted as the child of my x wife. We are now divorced.

Besides reasons of marriage, for what reasons do women decide to convert to Judaism? What is appealing about Judaism to a middle-aged woman who is married to a non-Jewish man?