(Follow-up to previous question about a face being in the public domain) Dear Rabbi Newman, I don't remember who said it, but as I remember it, the idea is that your thoughts may be private, but everybody can see your face. In a sense, everybody "owns" your face. Therefore, not only is it very important to greet everyone pleasantly, and with a smile, but it is a person's obligation. Otherwise, it may be considered a form of stealing. I hope I got the explanation right. Did you hear anything along these lines? Have a good day. Aaron

Good morning, I have a question that has been on my mind for a while and one that has been troubling me. I am hoping you can clarify the issue for me. As Jews, we are taught that Hashem chose us (above the other nations) to receive the Torah and I believe there are different parts of davening that echo that teaching (for example, parts of shemona Esrei on shabbos). I feel like I am missing something (or at least a piece of it). I was taught years ago when I was in school that Hashem went to the other nations first and offered all of them the chance to accept the Torah. However, we as Jews were the only ones to accept it fully. (I don’t know if that is the way everyone learns that concept, but that is what I remember being told). Therefore, how is it that Hashem chose us and we should feel fortunate that He didn’t give it to other nations of the world? Shouldn’t we feel fortunate that we chose to accept the Torah, but not that Hashem chose us above the other nations? (I hope that makes sense) I am just looking to understand this concept a little better. Thank you, Yossi

Please help - I was at your pesach program and have a very personal shaila to ask of a rabbi - I'm recently married, and it's a question re: marital intimacy that is too embarrassing to ask my own rabbi, and I can't ask a rabbi in person. Can you give me the email address of one of your rabbanim qualified to answer a question in this area. I would prefer someone with knowledge of chasidus - not just black letter law. Please let me know. Reply to

My entire life is in turmoil.. I feel I can not take anymore. There is so much. I don't feel I can go on. What happens when one takes their life? I want to live, but living is so hard for me. I am lost.

What is the meaning of the curls that the Hasidic Jewish wear? Are the religious policies for Hasidic when it comes to sex between a husband and wife is it still a practice to have intercourse between a sheet, also is sex allowed when the couple no longer are having children. Thank you