How do I find out if my great grandmother was Jewish? Where is a rabbi in my area-zip 98498?

The Hagadah does not mention the name of Pharoah. Is there any significance to that? Thanks.

I am looking into Jewish baby names. I always wondered about the names Noah and Emmet. I know Noah is from the Torah but is it considered a Jewish name by today's standards? I know that people of different religions are named that. And I know that Emmet means truth but I've rarely heard of a Jewish person/man with that name. Is it considered Jewish? Another name I was wondering about is Mina (for a girl). A relative of mine was called that and I am interested in this name, but would it be considered a Jewish name?

Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I am not sure where to begin. My husband and I are gentiles. For about seven years my husband and I went to a baptist church. We were leaders, but over time had many questions. Our questions were brushed to the side, and we were given a copy of our church doctrine to abide by. We did not agree with some of these statements, and eventually left the church looking for answers. We ended up at a messianic congregation, which intrigued us, but only created more questions, such as how can Jesus be the messiah, if he didn't fulfill all the can Jesus be G-d if G-d is one and has no form...and down the rabbit hole we went. Then we read a book called "The Righteous Gentile" and another called "The Rainbow Covenant" and "The Way of G-d"..... the list goes on and on. For a while we were happy being noahides...if we are even keeping all those laws correctly. So my real question has come up during a time of preparing to move. Our neighborhood has a high crime rate and is not fit to raise children in. Why when I think of a new location am I looking up synagogues in the area. Why, when I went to the museum the other day, (with 15 friends) did I have the urge to go and bombard an orthodox family with questions? Why do I feel as though I would fit better in the Jewish community than with my family and friends? Why do I light candles every Shabbat, even though I am not commanded to do so? Why do I say morning blessings with my children? Why am I interested in Isreali news? Why do I arrange my work schedule to have Jewish holidays off? I have only scraped the surfice of Judiasm, but I feel the need to learn more. Why do I know the Rebbe's birthday, or have the urge to visit his grave. Why am I looking for kosher marshmallows for my children, or feeling guilty when I eat dairy with meat? If anyone can give me some direction, practical advice, or answers to whether these thoughts/behaviors are normal, I would be most grateful. Thank you, Clare Axton

How do I find out if my great grandmother was Jewish? Where is a rabbi in my area-zip 98498?