Dear Rabbi Newman, I am very grateful for your response, thank you very much. I have a few other questions if this okay. Is it permissable also to wear makeup from Pesach to Shavuos and what exactly is 'The Three Weeks' that you mention? Also, I have a question about purity laws for females. I apologize if it is inappropriate, however, I do not know who to ask. If a female has a garment that is stained by menses, what is the appropriate and halahlik way in which to nullify the stain? How does one wash it to make it okay, I read that there is a concoction of urine and tasteless spittle and other things that make it "but just a dye", but I didn't know if that was valid. Thank you,

Do you know where the concept that a person's face is b'reshis harabim, in the public domain, comes from? Thank you.

In most history, text two thousand years is commonly used to define when Jews lived in Palestine or the first time. Yet I read last week that archiologist have founds remians of Jewish settlements near Jeurasalem dating pack 3,000 years.Which is more accurate?

Where are suggested places or methods to meet nice single Jewish ladies in the Philadelphia area who are cute and normal?