In most history, text two thousand years is commonly used to define when Jews lived in Palestine or the first time. Yet I read last week that archiologist have founds remians of Jewish settlements near Jeurasalem dating pack 3,000 years.Which is more accurate?

Where are suggested places or methods to meet nice single Jewish ladies in the Philadelphia area who are cute and normal?

Do you have any Shabbatons in English in Israel? We were accustomed to going to Shabbatons in the United States, and since we made aliyah three years ago we have found it difficult to find English-speaking Shabbaton experiences here. Thank you.

I have a question about Pesach and Lag B'Omer and Shavuos. I have absolutely no idea how to properly observe it because everyone has their own customs and differing ideas. I would like to know exactly when the mourning period had started and when it ends (excluding the break of Lag B'Omer on May 16) What exactly is a non-married female prohibited from doing? May I shave my legs, get my hair dyed, cut my toenails, buy new clothes, go out with friends, enjoy myself, or greet someone with excitement? I don't know exactly what the prohibitions are and when I have to observe them and everyone is giving me so many different answers that I just want a definitive guideline as to how to guard my actions and behaviors during this time! Thank you very much!