why cant a woman have her wedding during her period?

Hi I hope you can help me with this one. I come from a very religious home.. But I rebbeled, for whatever reason . I am ashamed of being jewish, and dont want to have any thing to do with it. Yet it's driving me crazy. I was brought up with a very crippled jewish mentality, I question g-d , and I am very angry. What do you think will do me some good? The may 26 memorial weekend or the shavuos retreat. both of either I am stuck financially too. I hope you respond soon.

does the prohibition of not meshuval wine being handled by a non-jew also apply to non observant jews? I thought observance was between you and Hashem, but recently someone told me that I had to be careful of non Shomer Shobbos Jews at my Pesach table. Please expain. Thanks in advance, Norma

What are the reules governing fasting for minor holidays, like the Fast of Esther? My sons and I fast on Yom HaShoah. Thanks.

what percentage of the jews did not follow Moses out of egypt and what happened to them? do we know who they are and are they still considered to be jewish?