what is the purpose of a mosaik

Today being Yom Hatzmeut and Sefirah. Are the laws relaxed in regard to seeing a play without music?

Hi Rabbi, I grew up reform and have been becoming more religious. I have been attending orthodox services, yet I have a dilemma. My entire family is reform/conservative and I would still like to be able to attend my cousins/nieces and nephews bar mitzvahs. Is there a way to still essentially keep the Halacha and still attend their bar mitzvah services at conservative/reform shuls, assuming I can walk to them. Thanks

How long did it take to record the Tanach? I read the 24 books were recorded over a 1,000 year time period. Is this accurate?

After the year of jubilee, how many years was there before the next sabbatical year? In other words, did the year of jubilee count as the 1st year in the next group of seven, or were there six years to till the land after jubilee, before the next sabbatical year?