why cant a woman have her wedding during her period?

I am an Ultra Orthodox girl and I have some questions. Please help me! 1) May I wax my eyebrows in the sfira days? I am 18 and on the shidduch scene so i think it is important to look my best. Is it allowed? 2) I really enjoy listening to music. Is it just a minhag not to listen to music in the sfira or are you really not allowed? 3) I was taught in school that at work we should always be on a last name basis with a person from the opposite gender. I work in a very small (two men and one other lady) office. I call the men by their last names, although they call me by me and my co-worker by our first names. It would be very uncomfortable for me to ask him to call me by my last name, especially because im working there for a while already. What do you think i should do? I really appreciate it. Thank you!!!

Dear Rabbi: A real question from lev: I would like to buy Warninks or Bols Advocaat (an egg-based liquor) from a Jew that did not sell his chometz on Pesach. I wrote to the LBD and Rabbi Eidlitz, but have not had any responses from them. Perhaps you might know if this product contains chometz (and would be osur) or does not (and would be mutar). Thank you. Lev

My wife (age 45) is taking hormones. This has caused her periods to become almost unnoticible and irregular. Only during intercourse on withdrawing is there a small amount of blood. Do I just count the days of niddah from the first time blood is detected? When is she considered as being post-menapause?