I am writing about the "El Adon." I understand it is written as an acrostic, but there is no nun. There is a reason for this, but I have not been able to find it. I would love to get an answer soon, because I would like discuss this at Shul this coming Shabbat. Many thanks to you.

May a boy who has his bar mitzvah during Sefirat HaOmer continue counting with a Bracha? Akiva Silvers My son Akiva has the following question: I am 12 years old. At parshat 'Emor' I will be observing my Bar Mitzvah. Until now I have been counting the Omer with a bracha [blessing]. When I reach thirteen I will be counting the Omer as an adult and previously I was only counting as a minor for 'chinuch' [educational purposes]. When I become bar Mitzvah, should I continue counting with a bracha as I do have a certain level of 'Temmimut' [completeness], but on the other hand the quality of my mitzvah is not the same as if I had begun at the beginning? Thank you for your time, Akiva SilversAlan Shear of Yeshiva College South Africa wrote: Dear Rabbi Many people have asked me the following question which can really be a bit perplexing. A boy who has his bar mitzvah during Sefirat HaOmer, may he continue counting with a Bracha? This has practical application here right now, so a timely answer would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks

Is one allowed to walk along a private road, where there are clear signs that it's private property?

My wife and I are recently seperated, her sister lives in Israel in Efrat. My wife wants to go visit with our 15 month old daughter. I feel it is unsafe and to dangerous for such a young child. Is Efrat safe? and should I allow my Daughter to go?