if one is visiting the artic circle where there is 24 hours of daylight or night when does one daven shachrith, minch, and maariv/ when does one put on tefillin?

did Adam really consort with all the animals and did eve really consort with the snake

did God really kill two million israelites during the plague of darkness

Dear Rabbi My wife and I, both fairly observant Jews met a Jewish couple on our honeymoon 25 years ago. We live in Toronto, and they reside in Chicago. We have been friends all these years. We have been invited to and accepted an invitation to their son's wedding. He is marrying a shiksa on June 3, 06 in Chicago, on the last day of Shavuot on the afternoon of Shabbot. I am deeply conflicted emotionally, spiritually and religiously re: attending. Please advise. Thank you B.K.

B"H Hi, please tell me what you need to do to have a seduah hodaya for B"H a 20th birthday. What tehillim should be recited, what do you speak about at the seudah, who do you invite etc. Many thanks. Shalom