information about Jacob's staff. Did it have marks on it to remember special times and events?

Dear Rabbi, One of my friends asked me the following question concerning something he read in an article, unknown to me, which says that G-d made Himself know in the Hebrew Scriptures as : "Ani Hu", meaning that we are to serve Him, by serving our neighbour. 1) Where in Torah does G-d make Himself know by these words? 2) If so, is this an approriate application of what it really means? I don't want to steal your time, but if you have some time, I would be very glad if you could give me some hints... Best regards, Ruben Kwint

What does the word shainee mean? Thank you

We recently read in Parshat Kedoshim, the isur os "Lo Teonnu". Rashi says this means that one may not believe in "lucky seasons". He give an example that it is forbidden to state "this is a good day to go on a journey, or this is a bad day to do something".... If this is a clear cut Avera, why is it so acceptable in the Orthodax community to plan events such as weddings on Tuesday, because Tueasday is a "lucky day". There is also a tradition not to swim or do major business transactions during the the three weeks from 17 of Tamuz till Tisha Bav, because these are "unlucky times" for the Jewish People. It seems that these customs are in direct contradiction to a clear cut Isur Dorayta/ Please explain to me this obvius contradiction. Thank you