Hi, my name is David, and have been reading lately the book of Daniel. In Daniel 9:25 it explanes the time of the coming Massiah. If the prophets fortold this event, way did this not happen? Did the prophet tell us the truth? Rabbi Maimonides and Rabbi Moses Abraham Levi (Igeret Teiman Chapter 3 page 24)said the coming of the Massiah has came and passed, why would G-d not come through with his promise and send the Massiah as fortold? Thanks for your time on this question, G-d bless, David

hi,iam not jewish but i want to be. but i live in arabic muslem country and if any one knows i will be hurted.please help me

We recently read in Parshat Kedoshim, the isur os "Lo Teonnu". Rashi says this means that one may not believe in "lucky seasons". He give an example that it is forbidden to state "this is a good day to go on a journey, or this is a bad day to do something".... If this is a clear cut Avera, why is it so acceptable in the Orthodax community to plan events such as weddings on Tuesday, because Tueasday is a "lucky day". There is also a tradition not to swim or do major business transactions during the the three weeks from 17 of Tamuz till Tisha Bav, because these are "unlucky times" for the Jewish People. It seems that these customs are in direct contradiction to a clear cut Isur Dorayta/ Please explain to me this obvius contradiction. Thank you