How early are we permitted to take in Shabbat in Jerusalem? We have friends visiting from America in late June and they want the children to take part in the Shabbat meal and not be too tired, so we would like to take in Shabbat as early as permitted. Also do most shuls offer an early minyan for this? Thank you. (We recently moved to Jerusalem and do not know the laws on this subject.)

do i have to forgive my brother who sexually harrassed me for about 4 years? thank you, good Shabbos!

why war when rapture

Why are there two words for "WHY" in Hebrew ie. Lama, and Ma'doo'ah . Are there differences in their Hebrew context or meanings ? When is one preferred over the other in their usage . Toda.

when is the last time i can say kiddush levana this month? (iyar) i am located in new york thank you