What is the symbol with a" v" and a circle around it?.

Dear Rabbi, I have a question regarding Israel, it's political refounding and the Jewish Temple. It would seem to me that Jews are back in the land, and at some point of time in the last so many decades could have taken back the Mount by force. If it is such an important part of Judaism, and the Torah.. Why has this not been done? Also, if not doing this, why not just build a new Temple to sacrafice at, why insist on the real estate of the Temple Mount. Is there a Biblical reason for doing so? Or has Rabbinic Judaism just got used to itself in the last 2000 years or so, and most Jews today don't want to go back to the sacraficial past? I don't know a whole lot about this, and so I thought I would ask. It would help me understand things alot more. G-d bless, Daniel Palmer

How long is it going to take to get through the lincoln tunnel?

My daughter is Orthodox Jewish, I am not Jewish, and she has given birth to triples. I am going to spend time with her and help with the babies. I do not want to make a mistake in preparing the meals. I sort of understand. Is there a book or web site I can go to that will help me. Like what not to serve with certain thing i.e. beef and dairy, where does chicken fit in. I have the ‘Dummies’ book but it is not quite that easy. And washing the dishes. I know not to mix but am not sure what not to wash with what. I don’t want to pepper her with questions when she should be sleeping Babies I can take care of but I’m there to help and let her heal. Thank you, Patti

What is the symbol with a" v" and a circle around it?.