Why do different Rabbis say different things? Some of the Rabbis must be wrong then (Chash Beshalom) but some Rabbis say one thing and others say their opinion.

How do we know what Rashi says it true? How did he explain everything like he did?

Shalom, My wife and I are baalei-teshuva. Recently my wife has decided to go back to wearing pants. We dont live in a place where pants are uncommon. A vast majority of our Jewish neighbors are not "frum". She currently gets depressed when she wears skirts and is not sure if she can handle this now. What should we do? Where can I learn the halachot of Tznius from an halachically objective source (any rishonim or earlier compilers of halacha)? Does Shalom Bait supercede community minhagim (obviously if its halacha then its different?) Why do women have to wear skirts anyway? Thank you so much! Shalom

I live around many Jewish people in New York and I have wonder why the women shave their heads and wear wigs. I repsect all religions and beliefs and was just curious as to what the sybolism is behind this?

I am trying to refer some individuals who have expressed interest in Jewish learning to authentic resources. However, one of them mentioned that she was learning about Judaism from an distance learning program given by sperta college in Chicago- here is the link: I looked into this, and found that this is hardly a Jewish learning experience- classes given by all denominations, including some Christians, and they certainly don't subscribe to the what Torah and Judaism is all about. I called the college myself, and they told me they represent everyone, including Reform, Conservative, "Orthodox", and have both lecturers and students from different religions as well. The staff there describe the institution as "secular". I was wondering if you can help me with a response to this, explaining in a respectful way why this program is not appropriate or helpful? The individuals are educated, and have some background in Jewish "education", primarly from non-orthodox resources. Thank you so much