Why are husband and wife not allowed to show affection in public?

Relationship GER – CONVERT I would be pleased it you could sort out the following two queries for which to date I have been unable to obtain a satisfactory answer, namely – 1) Usually you and many others translate “GER” as “CONVERT” and the convert normally comes across as a second class citizen or someone of inferior status. I always understood that a convert is entitled to respect for having willingly accepted the ‘Yoke of the Torah’ and that he is to be treated on the same basis as any other Jew. Is this correct or why is the convert treated differently? 2) In Shemot 22:20 Rashi states – “Wherever "GER" appears it signifies a person who has not been born in the country where he is living but has come from another country…” Is Rashi in error or how does “GER” come to mean “CONVERT”? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Solly Chait Bet Shemesh

after Abraham's covenant with God regarding the killing of Isaac, God contacted Abraham again to mandate the circumscion rite. is this corect? can you elucidate on this 2nd covenant and the circumstances around it?

Hi, what is the ashkenazi, litvak, custom re. haircuts during sefira. Only on Lag b'omer or anytime after lag b'omer until shavuos?

Hello. I would like to ask a prayer be said for me. I had two eye surgerys last week. If the second one doesn't work, the I have to have an outpatient procedure. I have to stay in alot because of this. I am requesting a prayer be said in my name that after my Monday visit, next week, I can get on with my life and don't need te outpatient procedure. Annette