Hi, what is the ashkenazi, litvak, custom re. haircuts during sefira. Only on Lag b'omer or anytime after lag b'omer until shavuos?

I posed the following to my 11 year old son; Given the choice would you rather be a 'righteous man' or a millionaire,? My 11 years son struggled answering I am glad he struggled. My question is what questions should he ask himself to help him make a choice? I have raised him in telling him that his first job is to be a righteous man and then the rest will fall into place. So at least he has a foundation. We are reformed. My son is now living in a divorced family situation where mom who converted in religious and dad is a high holy day Jew. Recently he visted Salamanca, Mexico as an exchange student. He was the first Jew alot of people had ever met. For Shabbat he did light citronella candles at the family's home he was staying at and said the blessing. Thanks for taking the time to guide me. Shalom

I have asked a couple questions and want to thank you for answering them, but at this time I just want to say that I am sorry for all the persecution that the Jews have suffered in from people that say they are "Christians". If they were true "Christians" they would never have persecuted their family. A Christian should be one that follows the Bible looking for the promises to be fulfilled. All of Genesis- Malachi apply. And though they believe Yeshua is the Messiah, He and Paul are both Jews from the line of Abraham, They were scholars that lived by Torah and taught Torah. All "Christians" are not the same. It is a broad word. Some people put the word Christian on themselves but never follow Yeshuas teachings let alone Torah. A true follower of Yeshua would never persecute HIs family line. So please know that I Bless you and truly am sorry for all you have suffered.

The sacrifices written in Torah to cleanse a person from sins are no longer done, what takes the place of the blood sacrifice now. Again in case this is someone else I am a Gentile in search...Doesn't all sin have to be cleansed by a blood sacrifice? Isn't that what Atones for sin? So curious as to how you feel on this question.

Oh know I just received word you didn't get my question and then I asked one that went with this letter. So I will retype this. I awoke this morniing to have my time with the Lord, and it made me cry to think that if I had a question I could come to you. Then I thought I hope this site is for anyone. Does the same person answer your questions each time? It is hard not to run one question into the other, because I was wondering on your response to Isaiah 53. What do you think that is speaking about? I know that I am a gentile, and I am not trying to use this site for anything but to get answers to my own questions. I believe in the Bible, it is a light to my path. Every Word is cherished to me. G-d created the heavens and earth and created man. Then could find none righteous but Noah and the flood came. Again the world became darkened with sin and Abraham seperated himself unto G-d. I loved that Abraham would go out and commune with G-d, and was willing to follow G-d. The things of this world did not control him. From Abraham we get Isaac, Jacob, and his 12 sons which are the 12 tribes. I love that G-d would make a covenant with Abraham and create a people group that He would love and cherish and nurture better than any parent could their child. Here after all these years later that covenant is still just as strong. The Alpha & Omega. The covenant keeping G-d. I believe in the 7 commandmens given to Noah in the Mishnah. When you say that a Ger Toshav is neither a Ben Noach nor a Jew does that mean that you still are a Ben Noach, but one who has made an even deeper commitment to know the ways of G-d. Yet you are not born of a Jewish parent so you are not actually a seed of Abraham, but if you believe his teachings and follow his G-d you become part of the family. Are "the strangers among you" ever considered apart of the family? As regarding intellect...I would not be one of the walk with G-d is based on my heart and love...As a little Girl I always loved The Lord...To learn His ways and feel His heart is my passion. I want to love people like he loved people. He would give everything to protect those that are His if we will come under the shadows of his tallit. What are the things that divide? I don't want to be divided from anyone that belongs to G-d. I love the Tallit and as a child never heard anything about the Tallit is precious to me. Learning that the unmentionable name of G-d is woven into the corners and that when David says their is healing in his "wings" it is in the tallit. Amazing, Lord I want a heart like David.