Righteous or Wealthy
I posed the following to my 11 year old son; Given the choice would you rather be a 'righteous man' or a millionaire,? My 11 years son struggled answering I am glad he struggled. My question is what questions should he ask himself to help him make a choice? I have raised him in telling him that his first job is to be a righteous man and then the rest will fall into place. So at least he has a foundation. We are reformed. My son is now living in a divorced family situation where mom who converted in religious and dad is a high holy day Jew. Recently he visted Salamanca, Mexico as an exchange student. He was the first Jew alot of people had ever met. For Shabbat he did light citronella candles at the family's home he was staying at and said the blessing. Thanks for taking the time to guide me. Shalom