My daughter will be Bat Chayil on 10th September i was wonderibng if you culd assist in writing something meaningful from the parsha that week so she could link it to the ceremony thank you fro your assistance and i look froward to hearng from you Michelle Rothburn

Dear Rabbi, My daughter just finished freshman high school biology in a New York metropolitan area Yeshivah. The head of the biology department sent out letters to the parents informing us that the class has a wonderful opportunity to go to the "Bodies" exhibit at South Street Seaport. Well I am not delighted about this class trip for a number of reasons. This is a controversial exhibit brought in from China- the cadavers on display were unclaimed. China's human rights record is deplorable. It has been debated among academics if in fact these are executed prisoners from concentration camps in northern china. This weeks past parsha touches upon how we should extend "Kovod Habriut" to all G-d's creations. When doing Taharahs we even try not to look at the bodies we are preparing for burial. So halachically and ethically I don't see why it is appropriate for High school freshman be exposed to this exhibit. My husband and I are in the medical field. Doing cadaver dissection for medical requirement is understandableit seems unecessary for high schoolers. I called the biology teacher she dissmissed my concerns. I spoke with the principal who said she hadn't looked into the class trip and relied on her biology teacher- I asked her to look on the "bodies" web sight and please get back to me because I wanted to know her thoughts. the principal did not call back as of yet . I am bewildered and upset that my thoughts on this exhibit have been in effect dissmissed. My daughter is not going to the class trip which is scheduled Monday 5/22. However, I am concerned about the other children whose parents unwittingly haven't looked into this exhibit and are exposing their children to something that torah jews shouldn't be a part of. Perhaps we should call out against such exhibits. I need to know if I am totally off base in my concerns. Are there no halachic issues involving this exhibit? Please respond to this query. Respectfully anticipating a reply. Gwenn Davis

Please comment on Zechariah 9:9 and 12:10. Who is being referred to as "humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey."? And in 12:10, who is it "so that they will look on Me whom they have pierced;"? I am having a discussion with a Christian friend and I don't know how to answer her. Thanks for the help. Rick

what is the hebrew phrase that you say to the last child in a family (could be when they are becoming a bar mitzvah aharon.....i can't remember the rest thanks

Can you tell me what makes a woman kosher to marry a cohen? What happens if a cohen marries a woman who is not kosher? Thanks, Sarah