I have a question in response to the “one G-d” question below. It’s true. As monotheists, we believe that only one G-d exists. But within the world’s population, there are lots of entities that at least some people recognize in their beliefs as gods. That being the case, the world has multiple entities considered by the population to be gods. In other words, it’s as if there are multiple gods, even if one does not believe they have divine powers. The language (Hebrew and other languages) uses the same words to describe them as gods. Even the Torah uses some of the same words for Hashem and the false gods of other nations. How do we reckon with that?

is there only one God or are there multiple gods but only one true God that reigns over the rest?

Are there any sins for which one can never achieve forgiveness, no matter how sorry they feel after the fact? Are there any sins that if one commits, one cannot earn a share in Olam Haba, no matter how much they atone and no matter how many other good deeds they have?

What is the view in the eyes of Hashem of Jews who are raised orthodox and then go off the derech? How does Hashem typically punish those who do? Is the punishment severe? Are they denied a portion in Olam Haba for doing so? Is one who goes off the derech and later returns, either fully or partially, still punished severely for the time they spent off the derech? About half of diaspora Jews who are raised orthodox eventually do go off the derech. So does The All Merciful G-d really bring suffering upon 50% of those raised as Orthodox Jews just because they go off the derech?

Rabbi, how do you tithe today? Do you do first, second and third tithe? How to properly do this tithes? I am a christian i want to properly tithe to the Lord, can you help me. What other offerings i can do for the Lord? Thank you very much