As a general rule of teshuva, we know that teshuva is only complete once the person leaves the sin - azivat ha'chet. According to this, how do we explain Dovid's sin with Batsheva. After the action, dovid sconfesses "chatati" and recites the long perek of tehillim of his shame and regret - however, he remains with Batsheva. Wouldn't full teshuva require that he leave her instead of staying with her and almost rubbing it in her face?

Often people say that the people who died in the Holocaust died on "kiddush Hashem." But doesn't kiddush Hashem mean that they CHOSE to sanctify Hashem's name while in the Holocaust they did not have a choice. And, if they did not have a choice, then how could they get the great schar that is associated with dying by kiddush Hashem?

I beleive there are several places in the Torah, where God says it is our responsibility and duty to be happy and take care of ourselves . That he put us on this earth to be happy. Need to get rid of lots of guilt. Thanks , a young Bubbe

How sick does a person need to be to have his name mentioned in Refaenu?I ask this because I vaguely recall hearing that one shouldn't pray for a sick person right away so as to not "establish" that person's status as being truly and seriously sick. Rather, one should wait a few days before praying for this person. Would you please tell me what's the halacha?I've also heard of sick people and/or their relatives who won't publicize their name for prayers, unless they are "close to death bed", because publicizing their sickness will make them "choleh" with Heavenly consequences, minimizing their chance of healing. (They say it has nothing to do with being embarrassed about people knowing that they're sick.) Is this true or superstition? Thank you.