Shalom. I recently got to know that there is a Jewish sector whose name is Jewish Universalism. It is founded by Steven Blane. Thus sector claims that Judaism is open to anybody. It seems that it is one form of Reform Judaism. It is running Sim Shalom group. Is it OK for Jews and gentiles to participate online service of this denomination? Thank you.

Our home came with 3 very large coconut trees. They are a danger as we have little kids running around in the backyard and are afraid of a coconut falling on them (they do fall randomly). Are we allowed to remove them?

Is one allowed to have relations with ones wife on motzei shabbat? I once heard that it is not good to do given adam and chava were banished from gan eden that night, but is this just a chumra? Please advise on what is best to do.

what are the halachos regarding shechitah and cooking fish after catching it on a fishing trip?