Does a voluntary prayer ever become a mandatory one? For the past several years, I’ve been praying to G-d in my own words in English for something I have wanted very much. G-d has still not answered my prayers. I have lost nearly all hope that G-d will grant my wishes or that what I am praying for is meant to be. I still fully believe in G-d, though I have come to the conclusion G-d has not intended for my wish to come true. At first my prayers were heartfelt, but now I am just rushing through it as part of my daily routine that I say in identical, memorized words each day. I am tired of taking the time out of my day to recite this prayer and I feel like quitting. But I am afraid if I quit, I am going down the ladder.

Is it permitted to walk on a non-electric treadmill on Shabbat that is just a belt that uses gravity and has no electric components and does not measure anything?

I have had intrusive thoughts over the years and I have felt very guilty for them. I have become more religious lately and for a year now (of being more religious) haven’t had such thoughts. The past few days I started having bad thoughts again and I’m wondering if it is Satan causing me this. How can I stop these thoughts? Does Hashem still love me?