Too Hard?
Lechvod Harav, shlita I know that we believe that Hashem only gives a person what he can handle. I was told a story about a man who was told something bad had happened ( I forgot if it was that his ships had sunk or his factory burnt down...) but the rav told him that it must be a mistake because each time someone told him about it he fainted so obviously he couldn't handle it and Hashem wouldn't do it to him if he couldn't handle it. In seminary I asked someone about suicide and the pat answer I got was that obviously the person could have handled it but chose not to and instead ended his life... but nowadays I heard that someone who commits suicide can be buried in regular cementary becuase he is not held responsible becuase of mental illness... isn't that the same as saying he couldn't really handle it. Even if one would say no, what about people who have nervous brakedowns, someone definitely doesn't chose that, it happens because they can't handle life. There was an add in one of the Jewish newspapers a while back asking for tzedaka for a family who the mother had a nervous brakedown after having her second set of twins, she obviously couldn't handle it. If it can happen to other people what makes one think that it won't happen to him and her and how can that not stop them from fully believing that G-d won't give someone something they can't handle.