what is the most possible way to remain alive in your prayers. I mean your thought does not go away - the wisest way to remain concentrated.

My girlfriend and I are ready to get married. I am a Jew, she however, is not. We’ve been getting some sporadic advice from my family members about the correct way of having her convert. She and I are very confused as to which route we choose i.e. Orthodox or Conservative. We want to be declared a Jewish couple, and also want our children to be recognized as being Jewish. We’ve heard people mention that Orthodox Judaism is the only sect that is recognized in the U.S. and Israel. What should we do? Is the conservative route the one to take, or the orthodox? Any help is greatly appreciated.

While I know that before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kipper one is suppoed to ask forgiveness from their friends whom they have hurt, what if it'll cause more harm? Should I call someone who may not even know who I am and explain the reason that I am calling is because I listened to alot of lashon hara about her? Won't it just hurt her more?