Can a non-kosher roll be used to take the place as the second roll for lechem mishna that you don’t eat? I had a situation like that this Shabbos. It was Shalashudes and I realized we had only one challah. I knocked on the door of the nearest Jewish neighbor to ask if I could borrow a roll not to eat, but to take the place of a second challah. This neighbor does not keep kosher, but understands the concept. They gave me a roll that came from a kosher style deli in the area that has no supervision.

Hi, Am I allowed to use this mug on Shabbat? It turns from black to a picture when you put hot water in it.

Dear Rabbi Jesus told a parable about 10 virgins, some who didn't have enough oil when the bridegroom came at midnight. Can you please explain what is meant by this part of the marriage tradition? Thanks. Jonathan