Hey, I was just wondering what the limits are for what is halachically permissible for homosexual women. Can they live with each other? Raise children together? Touch without having full intercourse? What are the more lenient and stricter opinions for what women can do with each other physically and in terms of having relationships that can resemble marriage in some ways? Or are female homosexuals actually supposed to stay alone or find a man in a similar situation, and is either choice required? These are the questions that have been on my mind recently, but I’d really appreciate any information I might be missing or guidance for where I can find out more, since I’m uncomfortable asking people in person am having a hard time figuring out what the upshot of the sources on the topic are. Thanks.

I am a Christian, and in my Scripture engagement group today, the question the question was asked; "If God is the God of Israel and defends Israel then why did he allow not only the tragedy of Oct. 7th, but why does he permit the continued fighting?"

I have always thought a first born is supposed to get a greater inheritance. Unfortunately my son who is my first born has done some things that are so bad and unforgivable and he will never change his ways and I wish to cut him out of my will. Besides him, I have two wonderful daughters. I wish to split everything between them 50-50. Is this okay?

My husband is a yeshivah man but is not careful about saying krias shema on time and it bothers me greatly. I know it s none of my business, I should focus on myself, and still I can t let go. Can you offer me perspective?

To clarify, rape by deception is defined as a person misrepresenting something about themselves before l sex with a person (I don’t believe it’s rape). Also the your response’s phrasing was odd , what about women who coerce men into sex? Isn’t that rape in Halacha?