Couldn't the Jewish nation as a group, or individually, invoke the prayer for finding lost items, in the merit of Rabbi Meir Baal Haness, to find the hostages in Gaza?

Hello, I am researching the composition of the Torah for a School Project , and a part of my investigation is to research why a particular piece of scripture was excluded from the canon of scripture from the Hebrew tradition. I was hoping you would be able to help me with this part. Are you able to give me any detail into why The Maccabees were excluded from the Torah? Many thanks for your help !

Shalom aleichem Rabbi Lauffer. Thank you for answering my last question. In a situation where one is allowed to take medicine on Shabbos, is one also allowed to say the Yehi Ratzon that one says on taking medicine, or should this not be said because we don't say refuah shleimah on Shabbos. Thanks a lot.

I'm a teenager and I'm thinking about converting next year when I go to college; I read parts of the Torah and I truly believe it, however I was wondering how modern scientific concepts fit into Judaism. Do science and the Torah work together, is science incorrect, are some parts of the Torah outdated and need to be updated in the modern world (I think not)? These are my main questions, and if I could get clarification on these topics it would mean the world to me. I'm not trying to question anything in a disrespectful way (though I've heard that in Judaism it's more acceptable to question, unlike Christianity how I grew up where you follow blindly) This is what I'm wondering: Why are there other planets? How do you explain modern evolution theories? Are they incorrect or can they fit with the scriptures? If it's the year 5785, how is the Earth so old? Thank you so much!!

I appreciate your time and patience in answering questions, It has been my understanding that Messiah will lead the people into battle and also to build the future temple. Is this incorrect, since it seems the one who builds the temple should not be a man of war? 1 Chronicles 22:8 Thank you!