To clarify, rape by deception is defined as a person misrepresenting something about themselves before l sex with a person (I don’t believe it’s rape). Also the your response’s phrasing was odd , what about women who coerce men into sex? Isn’t that rape in Halacha?

If someone becomes sick with covid within a few days before the wedding of a close family member (such as one’s sibling or child), and they are likely contagious and risk spreading it to others at the time of the wedding, would it be permitted to attend the wedding, if the risk of someone there catching it is high, but the risk of someone dying if they catch it is statistically very low?

The Talmud in I believe berachot 58a says a beracha recited near a gentile scholar, if there’s a gentile child prodigy who’s wise (and they fit criteria of observing the 7 noahide laws) should a jew recite it on them

I know that i’m not allowed to listen to music sang by a women, but if that person considers themselves to be non-binary, than is it okay?