Hello Rabbi, I have a question. Scientifically, does the taste of items cooked in a metal pot (if not nowadays at least in the past) stay in the pot for 24 hours? As in will the next item that is cooked in it get some of the flavor? And does Hagolah work scientifically? And if so, is there a basis for waiting 24hrs as the Halacha requires? I understand libun works because it is literally burning the surface of the metal, so even if food is left it will burn. What about soaking in water for 24hrs? Thank you!

K’vod HaRav, Isn’t there a statement by חז״ל to the effect that had the non-Jewish world known at the time when the Romans were laying siege to Yerushalaim what they stood to lose if Yerushalaim was destroyed, they all would have come to defend it?

Hello! I am 13 years old, and have recently decided that I would like to explore Judaism. My grandmother is Jewish, although from my understanding she doesn't practice much anymore. My parents however, raised me to just not have a religion at all. Anyways, I have a few Jewish friends at school who try to help me, but, frankly, I'm lost. I want to have a relationship with G-d, and I have been reciting the morning, afternoon, and evening prayer, along with some prayers for family and praying when I'm anxious/nervous etc., but I don't know how to pray, if there's a limit to how many times a day I can pray, if there's things that I should be praying before (such as eating) etc., so I really just don't know what to do. On top of all this, I haven't told my parents, and I'm really, really scared of how they'll react, or if they'll just think it's a phase of some sort. I don't really know what my plan is, but right now I guess I would just like to be a reform. Also, since my parents don't know, I can't go to a Synagogue or anything.  

There are two verses in 1 Samuel I have wrestled with for a while now. In 1 Samuel 15 (ESV): 10 The word of the Lord came to Samuel: 11 “I regret that I have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following me and has not performed my commandments.” And Samuel was angry, and he cried to the Lord all night. and 35 And Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death, but Samuel grieved over Saul. And the Lord regretted that he had made Saul king over Israel. The word regret bothered me. I wondered, if God is omnipotent and omniscient, how is it that He could regret something? It seemed contradictory to the notion of a perfect God. Regret to me is something that you feel when you have made an error, and I feel like God shouldn't be making errors. So I didn't know what do to with these verses. But after meditating on this on and off for over a year: I came to a conclusion, and I wanted to validate whether it is in line with scripture or not. My realization was: perhaps the reason why God can have regret is that something else is more important than Saul's obedience. In God's creation, He created us with free will (although I know there is debate about that). But if I assume that the free will of man is a part of God's (perfect) creation, then can we make sense of God's regret with respect to Saul as an indicator that the free will of man is so important and essential to his creation, and so perfect in His eyes, that He affirms and upholds it, and as a consequence, must suffer disappointment? So rather than force Saul (or any man) to behave a certain way, like a celestial puppet master, He leaves us be, and as a consequence can still be a perfect being, but suffer regret. So now, in my own head, I think of those versus of an affirmation of the importance and perfection of the free will of man. But I would love to know if that conclusion I came to is Biblically sound or not. Thank you!

If the the ner tamid blew out on chag and there is no other fire to light from, can the woman light from a new flame or does she not light?