Good day, Is non-mevushal wine to which sugar was added (such as Kedem's Cream Rose) subject to the laws of maga akum? Or not, as sugar is like honey, and then Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Daiah 123:4 would apply? In terms of chumros, what's better to make kiddush on: 1. Non-mevushal, sugar-added wine 2. Mevushal, no sugar added Thank you and kol tuv, Yaacov

My neighbor across the hall is a single mother with an 11-year-old son. She is divorced from her son’s father and shares custody, but her son will be there this coming Shabbos. She invited me over for Shabbos lunch. Is an 11-year-old boy able to negate yichud?

is frying food considered ochel nefesh on yom tov, despite not being the traditional method to cook? Does it make a difference if it’s air frying or oil frying?

Is there a mitzvah of simchah on the day of kiddushin, or only on nissuin?