Can a man use an in ground swimming pool for his daily morning mikvah immersion? also does a man say any bracha or anything else before dipping in a mikvah for daily immersion or before Shabbat/yom tov?

Does bee pollen need a hechsher? I haven't seen any that are ever kosher. Usually sold by local bee keepers so likely will never see any with a hechsher.

Hi - is this honey considered kosher or does all honey need a hechsher even though it's raw?

Once I week, I have to drive alone a distance that requires me to recite tefilat haderekh. I have been unable to memorize the text of tefilat hadarekh, even though I have tried. It is obviously unsafe to read it out of a siddur or on a printed sheet of paper while driving. There is no safe place to pull over to recite it on my route. It is a busy interstate highway. I remember some, but not all words. What do I do about this?