Halacha dictates you’re not obligated to follow your parents if they ask to violate Halacha, but what if your parents ask you to violate an interpretation of Halacha where you’re stricter (say Glatt vs non glatt)? Does it depend on if it’s Safek Deorayta or Derabbanan

What is the heter many Hasidim, and some non Hasidim, seem to use to permit dancing/clapping on Shabbat despite the clear gezeirah in Mishnah Beitzah

Thanks for answering my question about Rav Moshe’s psak, but the articles explained the reasoning and not the fundamental of my question, is the definition of hard cheese in Halacha the same as in Issur veheter, aged 6 months, or is a separate definition used for gevinat akum